Saturday, August 29, 2009


I hope it clears out today so that we can have our last family BBQ of the year :( My baby is off to NY with my uncle to celebrate his other friends b-day...I miss him already!

On another note, I am a bit upset. Remember when I told you guys that I was excited to start work because I finallly received my clearances to do so?? Well I got an email back from boss lady talking about she is negotiating our stay as the church that is renting the building out to her has decided to move. I was angry becaause I am dying to start work so I can quickly do what I got to do but it seems like now I have to wait some more. The move is scheduled for October so she mentioned she will get back to me sometime next week when she gets more info.

I hope this doesn't backfire for me. I am thinking I should start looking again just in case. I hate looking and interviewing etc...


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